Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Update - my year so far

Have to be at work in 2 hours for evening/night shift and have lots of errands to do which I've been putting off (surprise surprise). How do I summarise my year so far?

Most of the year so far has been work and study. Will list below the other stuff I've been up to, but everything else has basically been work and study (sad, I know), with the occasional night out in Palmy.

Jan - Got back from a friend's wedding in India, and managed a 3-day stopover in Malaysia (1 whole day of which I barely remember ... but that's another story). Also caught up with people from uni at the end of Jan ... had a blast in Auckland.

Aug - Sat and passed my ANZCA Primary Pharmacology viva in Melbourne (woohoo!) and spent another 3 days in Melbourne drinking and catching up with friends.

Sept - Caught up with uni mates again, this time in Hamilton. Had a blast both nights. Have to go camera-shopping soon though cos my 4-year old Casio Exilim suffered some irreversible damage while partying.

In between all that, have formulated some plans for next year. Taking a year off formal anaesthetic training and full-time work. Will instead take some papers (8 actually) at uni and do occasional locum work. There's also the ANZCA Primary Physiology paper which I'm planning to sit for in Feb. After that, I'll hopefully have more free time on my hands and will be able to do some travelling. Will know how much work those papers actually involve by March/April. Should be interesting to be back in Auckland after 4 years.

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